Saturday, November 2, 2013



They say time flies when you're having fun, and it is in this way that the past two years of blogging passed me by in the blink of an eye. Such fun I had, being able to expose and share my passion for the world's fastest moving yet full of iconic forevers industry called fashion. Together we loved and laughed about fashion, my dearest reader, it was always an honor to have you here. You gave me a stage to expose, and hopefully I gave you some inspiration instead. Being in favor of highlights and the right decision at the right time, I decided to close my fashion diary or so-said blog. Working like a hungry young lion in the fashion industry, triggered by freelance projects and starting up my own label ‘Les Soeurs’ together with my sisters, one has to make choices each  day. For me, this is to be able to insert quality and passion in everything I do.

Furthermore I feel ready to crawl out of my blogging-skin, being surrounded with so many established names and new talent coming up. Together with that, the bunch of fashion-groupies (“take my picture”) grows along: veils and headbands and bows and tongue-in-cheek handbags and girls wearing fluorescents and bright colors and mismatched plaids and textures and more furs than a zoo. My time is now to head back to the Essentials: fashion because of fashion, because of rich and indulging fabrics, because of craftsmanship, the perfect fit, the forever LBD. During the years I learned that what I love most, is working as a professional in the industry, creating, looking, admiring and learning from behind the scene, putting the big F of fashion up front. Because in the end that is what it is all about.
Yet I learned from a wise and epic woman, who was such a visionaire at her time and whose spirit still lives further in what I call forever fashion:

"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening." (Thanks CC!)

So for now it is an adieu, my dearest reader, but for sure we will meet again, in the name of fashion. In some store or someone's closet, somewhere, someday. 



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